How does a Mobile App make it easy for customers to return to my business?

by | Mar 22, 2017 | Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps for Business | 0 comments

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How does a Mobile App make it easy for customers to return to my business?

by | Mar 22, 2017 | Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps for Business | 0 comments

Retaining customers should be the number one goal of any business wanting to achieve business growth. More often than not businesses struggle with getting customers to return for sales because choice is seemingly endless with our web 2.0 era. However, a comprehensive mobile strategy is a powerful modern tool that is supercharging client retention worldwide!

Almost everyone has access to high-speed broadband through a smartphone device in their pocket these days. You’ll find that consumers are extremely familiar with the process of online shopping and are increasingly turning to mobile to buy everything from groceries to holidays to gifts and everything and anything in-between.

4 reasons how a mobile app will make it easy for customers to return to your business:

  1. Offer dedicated content

People download apps to meet specific needs and to receive dedicated services and an app provides just this description! Consumers also want something that is engaging and quick to respond. An app allows you to content create in a way that is appealing and interactive while providing extra material that a website does not offer.

2. Communicate in real time

Push notifications allow brands to reach out to their consumers in real time and keep them up-to-date with products, specials and deals, the latest news, menu changes, competitions and much much more. GPS and geo-targeted technology also allows businesses to group their messages to specific locations promoting offers only that area and send out messages that are relevant to different groups. This technology changes the game of marketing, leaves behind time consuming sales pitches and gives consumers content that truly matters to them.

3. Reward customer loyalty

Getting customers to return for business is imperative for growth as retaining customers is even more important than finding new ones. An in-app customer loyalty program will help your business go the extra mile with customer retention and encouraging more sales to allow customers a special benefit, discount on their next purchase, VIP access or coupon to redeem on other services.

4. Provide incentives

By empowering people to interact with your business 24/7 from anywhere through their mobile device via your app, it gives companies an unprecedented opportunity to improve customer service and lock in existing customers. As well as all round the clock service, an app also makes your consumers lives so much easier as everything about your business becomes accessible by the touch of a button. It also provides an personalised platform for you to offer additional services like a shopping cart, booking, app-only special deals and discounts.

Mobile apps change the way customers interact with brands and generate true value for both the company and the consumer. Apps allow you to engage with your customers on new levels and has a huge intimacy factor to offer, therefore customer retention is effortless.

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